View a Scoresheet

To view a scoresheet of a completed match in V-Score, there are two methods you can use:

  1. Using the Court Grid Tab:

    • Navigate to the Court Grid tab in your tournament page.
    • Locate the specific match you are interested in and click the green Scoresheet button in the match's cell.
    • This action will open the action log for that match. To view the Scoresheet PDF, click on the Get Scoresheet button located in the top right corner of the action log page.
    • The PDF will generate and open in a new tab. This could take a few seconds.
  2. Using the Scoresheets Tab:

    • Go to the Scoresheets tab on your tournament page.
    • Search for the specific match you want to view. Once found, you can view its action log.
    • To access the Scoresheet PDF, click the Get Scoresheet button in the top right corner of the action log page.
    • The PDF will generate and be ready to view after a few seconds.

These scoresheets are automatically filled out based on the match data collected through the mobile app. This ensures accuracy in the scoresheet, making it readily available and easily accessible at any time post-match.