Setting up Notifications

V-Score's comprehensive notification system is a key feature that acts as a communication bridge between the courts and the tournament desk. These notifications are crucial for keeping everyone informed about a range of events such as protests, sanctions, injuries, equipment failures, manual fixes, and help requests.

Setting Up Notifications:

  1. Accessing Notification Settings:

    • Go to the tournament's Settings tab, located at the top of the page.
  2. Configuring Notification Preferences:

    • In the Notifications section, you can select the events you wish to receive alerts for.
    • It is important to exercise caution when deselecting any options. V-Score recommends keeping all notifications enabled to ensure comprehensive coverage.
  3. Managing Tournament Access and Recipients:

    • In the Tournament Access section, you can add and modify the notification recipients and their roles.
    • To receive both email and text notifications, you need to add yourself as a recipient for each type separately.
    • The available roles and their corresponding notifications are as follows:
      • Admin: Receives all notifications.
      • Tournament Staff: Receives help requests and manual fixes.
      • Head Officials: Receives notifications about protests and sanctions.
      • Court Staff: Receives help requests and alerts for equipment failures.
      • Trainer: Receives notifications about injuries.

The purpose of these notifications is to minimize delays in matches and enhance efficiency in communication between the tournament desk and the courts. Most importantly, they play a significant role in ensuring the well-being and safety of all participants.