Using the Navigation Menu

The Navigation Menu

The Navigation Menu is a powerful and essential tool in the scorekeeping process. Here is a guide on how to best use it.

Launching the Menu: To launch the menu, tap on the    icon, located in the top left corner of the screen.

Match: Return to the main scoring screen.

Scoresheet: View the USAV Scoresheet for your current match.

Remarks: Add / Edit / Delete remarks/comments to the scoresheet (extended delay, exceptional sub, late start, etc).

Officials: Add / Edit the officials information for the match. This include the first and second referees, the scorer, and the work team.

Action Log: View the action log, a record of every action of the match. Use this for any manual fix situations.

Lineup: View / Edit the lineups for the current set. This includes who is serving, and what side of the court they are on.