Scoring Tips & Tricks

In this guide, we'll explore essential techniques and insights for effectively scoring a volleyball match using the V-Score mobile application.

Scoring a Point

To award a point to a team, simply tap the    button located on the respective team's side within the app.

Recording a Timeout

To log a timeout for a team, press the    button on the team's side. This action increments the Timeouts Used counter for that team by one. Once a team has utilized its second timeout, the Timeout button will be deactivated and the counter will highlight in red.

Recording a Substitution

To document a substitution, select the    button on the team's side. A dialog box will appear.

1. Input the incoming player's details in the Player.

2. Choose the outgoing player from the Player Out dropdown menu.

3. Ensure the information is correct before submitting.

Recording a Card/Sanction

In the event of a team receiving a yellow or red card, making an improper request, or incurring a delay warning/penalty, utilize the    button.

1. Choose the Sanction Type: Misconduct (Card in Hand), Delay (Card on Wrist), or Improper Request (No Card).

2. Select the recipient from the following: Coach, Assistant Coach, Trainer, Manager, or Player. If a player is the recipient, enter their player number.

3. Finally, determine the sanction level: Yellow, Red, Yellow/Red (Expulsion), or Yellow/Red (Disqualification). Confirm by tapping Submit.

Undoing the Previous Action

To reverse a previously recorded action, use the red    button. This will effectively remove the last logged action.

Using the Special Case Button

For scenarios like a protest, injury, forfeit, illegal player on court, incorrect server, or other urgent issues requiring tournament desk communication, press the    button and follow the on-screen instructions for each specific situation.

  When a protest has been filed, press this button immedaitely. This will contact the tournament desk and start the protest process. Follow the prompts, and if you have any questions, please ask your referee.

 When there is a forfeit, confirm with the referee if a team is forfeiting a certain number of points, a set (or multiple), or the entire match. Confirm all actions with the referee before submitting them. This will contact the tournament desk as well.

 When an injury occurs, it is very important to click this button as soon as an injury happens. This button notifies the trainers and tournament staff of an injury. After the injury button has been selected, fill in the information on the window.

 When an illegal player or wrong server occurs, press this button. This will prompt you to enter some information about the situation, including how many points to cancel. Ask your referee if you have any questions about this situation and any of the information needed.

 If you need to contact the tournament desk for any reason other than the ones listed above, press this button. This could be for an equipment failure, uniform/roster verification, or any general court attention situation.

This guide outlines the fundamental scoring functions within the V-Score app. For further assistance, please refer to our additional support articles or consult the court information sheet available at the scorer’s table.