Viewing & Editing the Action Log

To view and edit the action log for a specific match in V-Score, follow these steps:

  1. Accessing the Scoresheets:

    • Navigate to the Tournament page and select the Scoresheets tab at the top.
  2. Locating Your Match:

    • Use the search bar located in the top right of the screen to find the specific match you're interested in.
    • You can also sort by match status, court, start time, participating teams, or match code.
  3. Viewing the Action Log:

    • Once you've found your match, click on the blue View button next to it. This will open the action log page for that match.
    • The actions in the log are organized by set for ease of reference.
  4. Editing Actions:

    • To edit an action, click on the pencil icon next to the respective action.
    • To delete an action, use the trash can icon next to it.
    • If you need to reorder actions, utilize the up-down arrow icon at the end of the action's line.
  5. Updating the Scoresheet:

    • Any changes made in the action log will automatically update the scoresheet to reflect these modifications.
  6. AES or Sportwrench Updates:

    • If your changes affect the final set scores or the match winner, the result information will be updated accordingly in AES or Sportwrench.

This process allows for precise tracking and modification of match actions, ensuring that the scoresheet and posted results remain accurate and up-to-date.

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